I have a few writing playlists that I would use and I have thanked a few of the main artists that I would listen to in the back of my book.
In January 2012 I stumbled across Gavin Degraw on Youtube. His song "Not Over You" was always on my writing playlists and I wanted to check out more of his music. Little did I know what I was getting myself into (8 concerts, 3 times meeting him and his entire collection of songs on my ipod later).
At that time, I had been writing for a year and still had a long way to go. The story didn't have an ending and I wasn't really sure I would even finish it.
Adding Gavin's songs to my writing playlist helped to transform my writing in so many ways! I would sit at my kitchen table with his songs on shuffle and Ava and Jack's story began to come to an end. Then came editing and revising and finally working on publishing.
During the publishing process I typed out the acknowledgments page and felt very strongly about thanking the musicians that had traveled this journey with me. I knew that Gavin's section had to be special because there was just always something about his music that touched me, particularly in writing the final chapters.
When I finally convinced myself to publish the book a tiny voice in the back of my head told me that I should give a copy of it to Gavin and thank him for his musical inspirations. I went to a concert in December and carried 2 books with me, hoping that I would get the chance to run into him after the show. Unfortunately I didn't get that chance. Seeing him twice in April, the books again tucked away in my purse. In Atlantic City I almost had the opportunity as he came out to the lingering crowd to meet fans, but never made it down to the end where I was standing. I never let myself get disappointed as I knew that at some point I would get the opportunity to meet him again and give him a copy of the book and have him sign my copy. I had no idea when that would happen but I just knew one day it would and I wasn't going to let myself get down about it.
In late June I stumbled across a contest for tickets and meet and greet to his show in Portsmouth, Virginia. Many long, grueling hours of watching 125 videos each day (among other time consuming things) and 3 weeks later I was victorious! I would finally get a change to meet him and have a few minutes of his always undivided attention! There are no words to describe my joy so I am not even going to try :)
July 27, 2014 rolled around and my friend Vickie and I were heading to the venue to meet him!
I had spent so much time rehearsing in my head what I was going to say to him but never once did I ever think about his reaction! I told him that a few years ago, as a hobby, I began writing a story. His eyes got big and he said, "Wow that is some hobby!" I told him that while I wrote I listened to his music and thanked him for his inspiration. He was blown away and kept thanking me. I handed him a copy of the book and told him that a year ago I published the book and thanked him in the acknowledgments. He high-fived me and seemed genuinely grateful. I also asked him to sign my copy of the book. He gladly took it and I watched as he wrote "To Kristin" I was just expecting him to sign his name but he paused before he wrote anything else as if he were thinking. Then he wrote "I'm so proud of you. Congrats!" and signed his name. When I saw that I started shaking, I just couldn't believe it!! What happened after that is all a fog, I think I completely blacked out because I can remember very little. I think he said, let's take a picture, and I said something about holding my book in the picture. I don't remember putting my arm around him but was very aware of how much I was shaking. I haven't seen the picture yet but I am sure I have to biggest smile on my face! I probably thanked him yet again but have no recollection of saying goodbye to him, I was so out of my head at that point!
As I left one of the security guys was holding my purse and he said to me something like "That was a great marketing move." I was immediately shocked and pissed and replied, "That is NOT what it was at all!" It made me really mad for about 30 seconds and then I decided to forget about it because I know my truth and I know that this was very very personal for me and nothing more!
I have no idea if Gavin has read what I wrote in thanks to him or if he will ever read the story but knowing that I was able to share with him this part of me is and will always be so special!
The concert was amazing as always and as long as Gavin is making music and touring, this fan will be in the audience supporting him! I truly believe that the universe aligned to make this happen because I put it out there. I was always positive that one day it would happen but I never imagined it would be now!

Forever Grateful!
Kristin, I love your story. In so many ways it's come full circle between the signs and signals you received and this last bit with Gavin. What an incredible journey. Thanks for letting us in on some of the magic!